12-013-AN4 (Washington, DC)


Synopsis: The witness of this investigation submitted several documents alleging contact with extraterrestrials. According to the witness, 3D images were transmitted at a high rate of speed and at a minimum of at least two frames per second. The witness analyzed the alleged signal and concluded that the transmission was comprised of several animations layered upon each other. Each layer had a varying degree of detail but each layer of the transmission provided information regarding biological forms, architectural designs, and environments. According to the witness, Targzissians, a species of extraterrestrial origin, transmitted the signal.

Evidence Submitted: A sketch of the alien entity, still images from the signal and an executive summary written by the witness. Targzissians, a species of extraterrestrial origin, transmitted the signal.

Initial Action: This UFO case was opened as an AN4 – interaction of the witness with occupants or entities. Initial indices checks on the witness indicated a hoax.

Investigation and Findings: The investigators conducted open source checks and learned that the witness submitted the alleged alien signal to multiple UFO organizations and the US Government. The witness complained most of the organizations did not responded, while those who did claimed the witness was experiencing pareidolia and hysteria. Investigative research also indicated the witness was associated with multiple conspiracy groups and often alleged that an invasion from the Targzissians was imminent. After several interviews, the witness failed to cooperate with the investigation and seized all communications with the team. The cases was eventually closed as pareidolia and conspiracy claims.

Object Details: Pareidolia

About Director

Interim Director Aerial Phenomenon Investigations
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