12-013-AN4 (Washington, DC)


Synopsis: The witness of this investigation submitted several documents alleging contact with extraterrestrials. According to the witness, 3D images were transmitted at a high rate of speed and at a minimum of at least two frames per second. The witness analyzed the alleged signal and concluded that the transmission was comprised of several animations layered upon each other. Each layer had a varying degree of detail but each layer of the transmission provided information regarding biological forms, architectural designs, and environments. According to the witness, Targzissians, a species of extraterrestrial origin, transmitted the signal.

Evidence Submitted: A sketch of the alien entity, still images from the signal and an executive summary written by the witness. Targzissians, a species of extraterrestrial origin, transmitted the signal.

Initial Action: This UFO case was opened as an AN4 – interaction of the witness with occupants or entities. Initial indices checks on the witness indicated a hoax.

Investigation and Findings: The investigators conducted open source checks and learned that the witness submitted the alleged alien signal to multiple UFO organizations and the US Government. The witness complained most of the organizations did not responded, while those who did claimed the witness was experiencing pareidolia and hysteria. Investigative research also indicated the witness was associated with multiple conspiracy groups and often alleged that an invasion from the Targzissians was imminent. After several interviews, the witness failed to cooperate with the investigation and seized all communications with the team. The cases was eventually closed as pareidolia and conspiracy claims.

Object Details: Pareidolia

12-067-FB1 (Kissimmee, FL)


Synopsis: The witness of this investigation contacted API regarding a photo taken while vacationing in Disneyland, FL on 12 Sept 12. The witness claimed a UFO could be seen in the photo.

Evidence Submitted: A photo of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky.

Investigation and Findings: The investigators interviewed the witness of this investigation and learned that the witness did not personally observe the UFO. The witness noticed the UFO while reviewing the photos later at home. After the interview, the photo was enhanced using the Canon Professional Photo Edition software. The enhanced photo revealed an unidentified bird in flight.

Object Details: Identified as a bird in flight.

12-003-MA1 (Lake Villa, IL)


Synopsis: In the autumn of 2002, at sunset, the witness of this investigation was sitting outside and noticed a bright green light outside.  The witness went outside and saw a perfect metallic-like sphere flying straight and level with a luminescent green tail.  The object shedding sparks that were falling into a stand of trees about 300 yards distant.  The sparks took roughly four seconds to fall into the trees.  The object was reported to have had a shiny appearance like Mercury, and ripples were observed in the leading edge.  The witness observed the object until it disappeared out of sight over the horizon, but did not investigate the trees to look for residue or evidence of burns.

Evidence Submitted: A sketch of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO case was opened as an MA1 – a visual sighting of a UFO that traveled in a discontinuous trajectory, such as loops, quick turns, or vast changes in altitude. During the initial stages of this investigation, the investigators noted the witness has submitted UFO reports to MUFON and NUFORC

Investigation and Findings: This case had previously been reported to MUFON and NUFORC. However, additional information relevant to the investigation was not found.

Object Details: Likely a Meteor

12-031-AN1 (Great Falls, VA)


Synopsis: On 02 March 12, at 2321 hours, an infrared webcam took several photos of a UFO hovering in a backyard. According to the owner of the webcam, the UFO must have been silent because the event did not wake up the family.

Evidence Submitted: An infrared photo of a light in the background.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an AN1 – an anomaly that left no lasting physical effects, such as lights in the sky and similar phenomena. Initial analysis of the report indicated the range of the infrared camera was too short for an aerial object in the sky to trigger it. More than likely, the camera was triggered by something closer to the home and the light in the background was from the moon.

Investigation and Findings:  On 29 March 12, the investigators traveled to Great Falls, VA and interviewed the witness of this investigation. The investigators, along with the witness, took a tour of the backyard, specifically near the area where the webcam was pointing. The investigators noticed a very large hole in a fence and deer feces directly in front of the webcam. Given that the range of the webcam’s sensor was short, it is likely that an animal triggered the camera. The camera then took a poor-quality photo of the moon in the background. The investigators also noted the moon was at Waxing Gibbous, with an illumination of 66%, on the night of this incident.

Object Details: Animal triggered the camera, which took a photo of the moon.

12-020-FB1 (Hidden Valley, CA)


Synopsis: On/about June 2009, while taking photos of flowers in a garden, the witness of this investigation inadvertently took two photographs of a “fast moving UFO”.

Evidence Submitted: Two photos of a UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky.

Investigation and Findings:  The investigators conducted multiple interviews with the witness of this investigation. The witness provided the investigators with the original photographs, which were taken with a Kodak CX7530. The investigators extracted the EXIF data and examined the objects closely in the images. The analytical conclusion strongly indicated the streaks were close to the camera and thus could not be a contrail. Subsequent photo analysis concluded the streak was a piece of spider silk in the foreground, catching the sunlight.

Object Details: Silk from a Spider Web.

12-008-AN1 (Tempe, AZ)


Synopsis: On 18 July 10, at approximately 2000 hours, the witness of this investigation was standing on a 2nd floor patio and noticed a strange object hovering about 200 feet over the City of Tempe, AZ. The witness described the object as a warm white and orange jellyfish. The object, moreover, morphed in color and appeared as though it was a circular membrane. The object hovered for approximately 15 minutes until it moved slowly from East to West.

Evidence Submitted: Sketch of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an AN1 – an anomaly that left no lasting physical effects, such as lights in the sky and similar phenomena. Initial analysis of the report indicated a likely natural phenomenon due to severe thunderstorms on the same date and time the witness observed the UFO.

Investigation and Findings: The investigators traveled to Phoenix, AZ and interviewed the witness of this investigation. During the interview the witness provided the investigators with a sketch of the UFO. Additionally, the investigators also learned that the witness was drinking alcohol when the UFO was spotted. The lead investigator, however, noted the witness was sincere and credible. During the weather research and analysis portion of the investigation, the data indicated the witness observed a convergence of several natural phenomena: Rayleigh scattering during sunset, high temperatures, and severe thunderstorm converging with Altocumulus Castellanus formations.

Object Details: When sunlight passes through a thick layer of atmosphere and dust particles at sunset, blue color is scattered by Rayleigh Scattering and only red-to-orange color remains. The clouds reflect these unscattered red/orange rays and appear in that color. More importantly, during high temperatures and an approaching thunderstorm the orange clouds appear even more prominent.