12-031-AN1 (Great Falls, VA)


Synopsis: On 02 March 12, at 2321 hours, an infrared webcam took several photos of a UFO hovering in a backyard. According to the owner of the webcam, the UFO must have been silent because the event did not wake up the family.

Evidence Submitted: An infrared photo of a light in the background.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an AN1 – an anomaly that left no lasting physical effects, such as lights in the sky and similar phenomena. Initial analysis of the report indicated the range of the infrared camera was too short for an aerial object in the sky to trigger it. More than likely, the camera was triggered by something closer to the home and the light in the background was from the moon.

Investigation and Findings:  On 29 March 12, the investigators traveled to Great Falls, VA and interviewed the witness of this investigation. The investigators, along with the witness, took a tour of the backyard, specifically near the area where the webcam was pointing. The investigators noticed a very large hole in a fence and deer feces directly in front of the webcam. Given that the range of the webcam’s sensor was short, it is likely that an animal triggered the camera. The camera then took a poor-quality photo of the moon in the background. The investigators also noted the moon was at Waxing Gibbous, with an illumination of 66%, on the night of this incident.

Object Details: Animal triggered the camera, which took a photo of the moon.

About Director

Interim Director Aerial Phenomenon Investigations
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