Synopsis: In the late 1970s, at approximately 0630 hours, the witness of this investigation saw a large UFO hovering over the neighbor’s home. According to the witness, the UFO was a silver saucer with three large white lights, two smaller amber lights, and was completely silent. The silver saucer then flew straight up into the sky “very fast” until it was no longer in sight.
Evidence Submitted: A sketch of the UFO.
Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky.
Investigation and Findings: Although the witness of this investigation was deemed credible, there was not enough information to shape the investigation. The investigators conducted several open source checks to corroborate the witness’ story. These checks including various UFO databases, astronomical data, weather analysis, military activity reports, and NASA reports. The investigation, however, was closed as unresolved/unidentified.
Object Details: Unidentified