Remain Anonymous: no
Field Investigation Requested: yes
From: C.
Date of Sighting: 40 years ago
Time of Sighting: night time clear night
Duration of Event: th event repeated it self and the fall out lasted year from demensional warps lasted and other spiritual things
Location of UFO: 1346 anzio ccc 95531
Shape of Object: Other (Explain Below)
UFO Report: the objects were golden just like ezeikles sighting it was a repeated sighting twice in one night it went in a rosinbridge and this place may be a entrance native americans used during ceromonys for thousands of years and its connected to are creator jehova the native anericans are connected to this place but may not know of the exzact location of their old ceromonys I could be rong but my research of the sightings and the bible and their native practices points to them worshiping god around the same time as moses was reining on earth.
Case Disposition: No investigation opened. Case too old.