12-003-MA1 (Lake Villa, IL)


Synopsis: In the autumn of 2002, at sunset, the witness of this investigation was sitting outside and noticed a bright green light outside.  The witness went outside and saw a perfect metallic-like sphere flying straight and level with a luminescent green tail.  The object shedding sparks that were falling into a stand of trees about 300 yards distant.  The sparks took roughly four seconds to fall into the trees.  The object was reported to have had a shiny appearance like Mercury, and ripples were observed in the leading edge.  The witness observed the object until it disappeared out of sight over the horizon, but did not investigate the trees to look for residue or evidence of burns.

Evidence Submitted: A sketch of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO case was opened as an MA1 – a visual sighting of a UFO that traveled in a discontinuous trajectory, such as loops, quick turns, or vast changes in altitude. During the initial stages of this investigation, the investigators noted the witness has submitted UFO reports to MUFON and NUFORC

Investigation and Findings: This case had previously been reported to MUFON and NUFORC. However, additional information relevant to the investigation was not found.

Object Details: Likely a Meteor

12-021-AN1 (Durham, NC)


Synopsis:  On 23 March 12, at 0122 hours, the witness of this investigation was walking along the street, looked up for a moment, and saw three very bright lights in the sky. According to the witness, the three lights stretched out slowly forming together into one. The lights then broke off and traveled out into the distance and were no longer in the sky.

Evidence Submitted: Photo of a UFO

Initial Action: This UFO case was opened as an AN-1, an anomalous object that left no visible sign or traceable evidence. Initial report indicated a possible aircraft from a nearby military base.

Investigation and Findings:  The investigator interviewed the witness of this investigation and was deemed sincere and credible. The witness described the lights as lasers and orbs, but could not capture a good photograph due to the poor quality of the camera on the cell phone. After several interviews with the witness, the investigation then moved forward into researching government, military, and defense industry activities regarding lasers and plasma balls that react much like the lights reported by the witness. While researching Northrop Grumman, who have two facilities in the same area the witness saw the lights, investigators found a video very similar to what the witness provided purportedly recording plasma ball testing by Northrop Grumman. The witness was provided a copy of the video and agreed that the lights in the video was an exact match.  The investigation, therefore, was closed as resolved.

Object Details: The testing of laser technology from Northrop Grumman, a major defense contractor in the Durham, NC area. The company provides space, defense and electronics systems to an array of US government customers. Products include: military aircrafts, satellites for communications, science, weather, surveillance and high-energy lasers.

12-025-MA1 (Australia)


Synopsis: On 14 Apr 09, at 2000 hours, the witness claimed to have seen a red and white glowing orb about the size of a small aircraft 600 meters in the sky.  The witness stated the night sky was clear and there was nothing else in the sky.  The witness further claimed the object was stationary, changed in size from small to large and back to small.  The witness, moreover, stated the object made no sound.  The witness claimed the event lasted about 15 minutes ending with the object flying upward in a flash leaving a thin streak of light.

Evidence Submitted: A photo of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO case was opened as an MA1 – A visual sighting of a UFO that travels in a discontinuous trajectory, such as loops, quick turns, or vast changes in altitude. Initial report indicated a possible natural phenomena such meteor or ball lighting.

Investigation and Findings: The investigators contacted the witness of this investigation and learned the date of the event was in 2009 and not 2012, as initially reported by the witness. The witness, moreover, was confused about the weather observed the night of the sighting and could not recall if the night was clear or not. Historical weather research for the date, location, and time conflicted with the witness’ account. The investigation was closed due to witness credibility and inconsistent reporting from the witness.

Object Details: Unidentified

12-076-FB1 (Los Angeles, CA)


Synopsis: On 06 Jan 12, at 1830 hours, the witness of this investigation was driving through Los Angeles, CA and saw a UFO fly over the city. The witness used a cellphone to record a video of the UFO.

Evidence Submitted: A Video of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO case was opened as an FB1 – A fly-by of a UFO traveling in a straight line across the sky. Initial analysis of the video indicated the object was a helium balloon.

Investigation and Findings:  The investigators interview the witness of this investigation to ensure the video was authentic. An analysis of the video appears to show a helium balloon flying with the wind. A super zoom of the video, moreover, clearly showed a string attached to the bottom of the helium balloon.  The case was closed as resolved and identified.

Object Details: Helium Balloon

12-033-AN1 (Chicago, IL)


Synopsis: On 27 March 01, at 0300 hours, the witness of this investigation was standing near the bedroom window and observed a disk-shaped UFO hovering over a neighbor’s house across the street. The witness ran outside to get a better look but the UFO was no longer in sight. According to the witness, the UFO had many green and red lights, which gave it the appearance of a Christmas tree.

Evidence Submitted: A Sketch of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an AN1 – an anomaly that left no lasting physical effects, such as lights in the sky and similar phenomena.

Investigation and Findings:  The investigators interviewed the witness of this investigation, who was found to be sincere and truthful. According to the witness, the UFO had windows that were bright green and red, a blue strobe, and a blue-white spotlight pointed at the neighbor’s home. Although the investigation could not determine what the object was, the green and red lights could have been associated with FAA navigation lights and the blue strobe could have been a collision light. Additionally, several indices checks on open-source websites, in particular MUFON/NUFORC, provided no information regarding this sighting. However, because the sighting took place nearly 12 years ago, the investigators could not find relevant information (UFO reporting data, weather, military activity reports, NASA reports, etc.) to identify the object. The investigation was closed as unresolved and unidentified.

Object Details: Unidentified.

12-002-FB1 (Baltimore, MD)


Synopsis: On 6 Jan 12, at approximately 2100 hours, the witness of this investigation was returning to a hotel and saw a “strange object in the sky”. According to the witness, the object was circular, had two wings, and appeared to have a flickering amber light in its center. A second witness, who happened to be standing outside of the hotel, also saw the object in the sky. While the two witnesses discussed the object, another object, identical to the first, appeared and traveled west until it was no longer in sight.

Evidence Submitted: A sketch of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky. Given the object of the sketch displayed a “flickering candle” and the object traveled west along with the wind, a type of Chinese lantern was likely the culprit.

Investigation and Findings:  The investigators traveled to Baltimore, MD and interviewed the first witness of this investigation. The sketch provided by the witness appeared to have a flame flickering in the center of the object. The object, according to the witness, moved in the same direction of the wind and at a speed consistent with the weather for that night. The object, therefore, was more than likely a type of Chinese lantern or similar object.

Object Details: A type of Chinese lantern.

12-032-FB1 (Lawrence, KS)


witness sketch

Synopsis: On 21 Aug 11, at approximately 1730 hours, the witness of this investigation was driving home from work and spotted a solid black object hovering in the sky. The unidentified object, according to the witness, must have been 500 feet up in the sky. The witness watched the unidentified object hover stationary for at least 30 seconds. The witness, however, turned away for a brief moment only to notice the unidentified object was gone.

Evidence Submitted: A computer-rendered sketch of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky.

Investigation and Findings:  The investigator interviewed the witness of this investigation and was found to be sincere and truthful. However, several indices checks on open-source websites, in particular MUFON/NUFORC, provided no information regarding this sighting. The investigator, moreover, could not find relevant information (UFO reporting data, weather, military activity reports, defense contractor activities, NASA or other space flight activities, etc.) to identify the object. The investigation, therefore, was closed as unresolved and unidentified.

Object Details: Unidentified.

12-031-AN1 (Great Falls, VA)


Synopsis: On 02 March 12, at 2321 hours, an infrared webcam took several photos of a UFO hovering in a backyard. According to the owner of the webcam, the UFO must have been silent because the event did not wake up the family.

Evidence Submitted: An infrared photo of a light in the background.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an AN1 – an anomaly that left no lasting physical effects, such as lights in the sky and similar phenomena. Initial analysis of the report indicated the range of the infrared camera was too short for an aerial object in the sky to trigger it. More than likely, the camera was triggered by something closer to the home and the light in the background was from the moon.

Investigation and Findings:  On 29 March 12, the investigators traveled to Great Falls, VA and interviewed the witness of this investigation. The investigators, along with the witness, took a tour of the backyard, specifically near the area where the webcam was pointing. The investigators noticed a very large hole in a fence and deer feces directly in front of the webcam. Given that the range of the webcam’s sensor was short, it is likely that an animal triggered the camera. The camera then took a poor-quality photo of the moon in the background. The investigators also noted the moon was at Waxing Gibbous, with an illumination of 66%, on the night of this incident.

Object Details: Animal triggered the camera, which took a photo of the moon.

12-006-FB1 (Buffalo, MO)


Synopsis: In late July of 1999, at approximately 0330 hours, the witness of this investigation was camping on a hilltop near Buffalo, Missouri (Ozark Mountains). While keeping warm around the campfire, the witness saw an disk-shaped glowing UFO “fire orange” in color. The UFO, according to the witness, was silent and hovered in the area for 45 minutes. The UFO moved slowly from East to West until it was no longer in sight.

Evidence Submitted: A sketch of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky.

Investigation and Findings:  The investigators interviewed the witness of this investigation and it is the opinion of the lead investigator the witness was sincere and credible. Several indices checks on open-source websites, in particular MUFON/NUFORC, provided some information that showed similarities with this UFO sighting. However, because the sighting took place nearly 13 years ago at a remote location, the investigators could not find a sufficient amount of relevant information to identify the object. The investigation, therefore, was subsequently closed as unresolved and unidentified.

Object Details: Unidentified

12-004-FB1 (Baltimore, MD)


Synopsis: On 31 Dec 11, at 2345 hours, three separate witnesses were celebrating the New Year’s Eve in downtown Baltimore, MD. While smoking cigarettes outside in the yard, the witnesses saw three orange lights in the sky shaped in a pyramid. The three lights slowly rotated clockwise, paused briefly and started rotating counterclockwise. The lights split off and descended into the distance in three separate directions.

Evidence Submitted: A photo of the three orange orbs and video footage taken from a handheld camcorder.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky. Given that the event occurred only several minutes before New Years Eve, and the event occurred in a large city, the initial indication was that the three lights were some type of celebratory fireworks or Chinese lanterns.

Investigation and Findings:  The investigators traveled to Baltimore, MD and interviewed the three witnesses. The witnesses seemed sincere and appeared to be truthful. One of the witnesses described the orbs as if there was “a lit flame flickering within the orbs”. During the investigation, the investigators traveled to the area where the three orbs disappeared, but found no ground traces to suggest the orbs were fireworks. A weather analysis for the time and date the orbs were sighted indicated the wind was blowing in the same direction the orbs traveled. Given the description of the orbs, the direction they traveled, the fact it was New Years Eve, and the orbs lowly “turned off” the investigators concluded the objects were some type of celebratory Chinese lanterns.

Object Details: Chinese lanterns.