Aerial Phenomena: Reviving Ufology for the 21st Century


Antonio Paris recently published Aerial Phenomena: Reviving Ufology for the 21st Century. In his opinion, Antonio believes evidence of extraterrestrial life remains elusive as ever. The lack of physical and scientific proof, beyond a reasonable doubt, has pushed UFOs to be regarded along with Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the chupacabra, and leprechauns: subjects nestled together in the occult section of your local bookstore or library. This unfortunate occurrence, according to Antonio, is a direct result of a once-worthy subject that was hijacked by a convergence of armchair UFO investigators, conspiracy theorists, hoaxers, and people publishing cheesy photos and videos of alleged extraterrestrials or flying saucers. In hopes of reviving Ufology, therefore, Antonio founded the Aerial Phenomenon Investigations Team to investigate UFO phenomena from a nuts and bolts perspective. His book, in its strictest sense, provides the reader insight into API’s UFO investigative process, synopses of 50 UFO investigations completed by API, an analysis of UFO phenomena, and his vision for reviving Ufology. The book, moreover, provides future investigators a guide on the tools and processes needed to conduct a proper investigation into the phenomena.

Book will be available on Amazon on August 1st, 2013.

About Director

Interim Director Aerial Phenomenon Investigations
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