Video Case Summaries

Last updated: 1 March 2023

We now have so many case summary videos that they have earned their own page. These summaries also have their own YouTube playlist.

Case summaries are brief videos about cases that API has investigated. For more detailed information, please visit our Investigations page.

Case 23-006

Objects in Formation Portland, Oregon:

Case 22-022

Blinking lights in Tacoma, Washington:

Case 22-016

Odd lights in a North Carolina video:

Case 19-008

A noisy, cigar shaped object over New York State:

Case 22-007

A report from a trailcam video in Pennsylvania:

Case 21-042

A Virginia Sighting from 1977:

Case 21-040

A witness in Evesham, UK spotted a tic-tac like object in the daytime sky.

Case 21-039

A witness in Essen, Germany shoots video of a strange, glowing, conical object in the night sky. Case was closed as Identified.

Case 21-007

A witness in Ontario, Canada sights an orange orb. This video has been retracted.

Case 20-045

A mother and daughter in Kentucky report what they believe was a flying saucer:

Case 20-015

A witness in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam took video of a strange blinking light.

Case 15-050

A witness in Nottingham, UK sent us a mysterious photograph.

Case 15-030

Two witnesses in Wisconsin take video of a glowing nighttime orb.

Case 13-081

A father and son witness moving lights near Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

Case 19-020

Witness reported a daytime UFO in North Carolina.

Case 13-002

Strange images on a trail cam

Case 12-098

A witness in New York City sees multiple flying triangles.

Case 18-017

A single witness “saucer” case in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Case 12-058

A high strangeness case with a hint of physical evidence.

Case 16-034

A 2016 nocturnal light case from Harrisburg, PA.

Case 14-062

A 2014 two witness case from Oklahoma with video.

Case 12-001

A complicated 2008-2009 case at a hotel in Ontario, Canada. This video addresses the 2009 event.

Case 18-013

A 2018 case from New York State. Single witness did a good job of immediately documenting his sighting. Unidentified.

Case 17-024

An August 2017 UFO report turned out to be the International Space Station.

Case 16-042

Case 16-042 was a case with two witnesses and photographs. Thanks to some digging by API, we now know what it was they saw.

Case 16-009

16-009 was an Oregon case involving an unusual shape closed as unidentified.

Case 16-005

Case 16-005 with eye witnesses and photographs was a case of honest misinterpretation.

Case 15-001

Case 15-001 in Washington state was one of our better video cases so far. Closed unidentified.

Case 14-044

Case 14-044 from Australia was identified as a meteor.

Case 14-025

Case 14-025 was a photographic case that strongly illustrates the phenomenon of pareidolia.

Case 12-045

A photograph taken of something at the foot of the bed. A nosy grey alien? Pareidolia?

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