UFO community, including API, set for Aug. 8 special online events

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By Jack Brewer, Examiner.com

Original Link

Flying saucers, alleged crashes and related reports of high strangeness will all be front and center Thursday, Aug. 8, when members of the UFO community hold some special online events. Blogger and well known skeptic Robert Sheaffer explained Monday in his post, ‘Before the Great Debate: My Review of ‘The Aztec Incident”, that he will debate ufology staple Stanton Friedman Thursday at 8 p.m. EST. The event will be carried live by the Revolution Radio Network.

Stanton Friedman is a physicist who has long contended that some UFOs are likely extraterrestrial spacecraft. He is a writer, frequent speaker at UFO conferences and well known for his perspectives supporting ET involvement in such cases as Roswell and the alleged abduction of the Hills.

Robert Sheaffer is a writer, skeptical investigator of UFOs and founding member of the UFO Subcommittee of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. The legitimacy of alleged UFO crashes are certain to be addressed during the debate, Mr. Sheaffer wrote Monday.

API and Doubtful News hold a Google Hangout

Prior to the great debate, Antonio Paris of Aerial Phenomenon Investigations (API) and Sharon Hill of Doubtful News will conduct a Google Hangout. The event will be held from 7-8 p.m. EST and include a session for questions and answers. More details are available on the API website.

Mr. Paris is the founder and director of API, an organization set to bring more science to the study of UFOs. He is a former U.S. intelligence officer and author of the recently released book, ‘Aerial Phenomena: Reviving Ufology for the 21st Century’, which offers a look into the API investigative process, summaries of some 50 completed cases and the author’s vision for reviving ufology.

Ms. Hill is a geologist, leading skeptic and paranormal researcher. She is editor of Doubtful News and author of a 2010 thesis, ‘Being Scientifical: Popularity, Purpose and Promotion of Amateur Research and Investigation Groups in the U.S.’. The thesis was explored along with comments obtained from Hill in a blog post at The UFO Trail, ‘Sham Inquiry Run Riot’.

Interested parties might choose to mark their calendars, have snacks on hand and plan on settling in for an evening of special online events. It might indeed prove to be quite interesting.

Google Hangout with Doubtful News!


On August 8th, from 7pm to 8pm EST, Aerial Phenomena will have an on-air hangout you cannot miss! We will chat with Sharon Hill from Doutbful News! Sharon is a licensed Geologist who researches the paranormal, pseudoscience and anomalies. Sharon, moreover, is the creator and editor of Doubtful News. Topics will include Ufology and how the topic has been derailed by junk science, conspiracies, and lackluster scientific investigations.

To sign up, visit Aerial Phenomena’s Google Event Calender

13-054-AN1 (Piqua, Ohio)


Synopsis: On 23 May 2013, witness was in her car in front of a school during a rain shower. After the rain stopped, the witness started taking photos of the sky. Upon review of the photos, witness noticed a “strange object” in one of the photos.

Evidence Submitted: Original photo.

Initial Action: Case opened as an AN1.

Investigation and Findings:  Based on the information obtained,  two interviews with the witness,  and an examination of the submitted photographs (and a test photograph), this sighting is the result of precipitation on a dirty windshield.

Object Details: Natural Phenomena.

API sets sights on shaping future of Ufology

June 19, 2013

By Jack Brewer, Examiner

The Aerial Phenomenon Investigations Team is making a bid to take research of unidentified flying objects to another – more credible – level. Popularly known as API, the Md.-based organization is poised to conduct and publish investigations, host public events and, according to founder and director Antonio Paris, apply some science to the subject of UFOs. Mr. Paris agreed to field some questions from ‘Orlando Paranormal Examiner’, and his emailed statements were received today. Read more at The Examiner.

Case Files Update

We are in the process of migrating our case files into our new website. We anticipate full data transfer no later than 31 July 2013. If you have any questions about a specific case, please contact API at director@aerial-phenomenon.org.

Welcome to Aerial Phenomena

We are not a UFO Club. We are a team of trained UFO investigators dedicated to conducting investigations, research and analysis regarding unidentified flying objects (UFO) and other aerial phenomena. Our mission is to conduct a systematic search for facts to determine whether or not a UFO sighting can be first attributed to a man-made object, natural phenomena, or perhaps extraterrestrial in nature. We accomplish this by conducting aggressive investigative research analysis; and by assimilating, evaluating, and interpreting aerial phenomena reporting. Throughout every investigation, information derived from all credible sources are considered and integrated into our analytical process. If you would like to report a sighting, please use the Report a UFO link.