Case 24-018 (North Carolina) Closed as Identified

The Witness was on his back porch installing a security camera. During the installation, the camera was pointed directly upwards towards the sky. It was automatically recording during this time. When the Witness checked to ensure the camera was working properly and recording video, he noted that there was a small object speeding across the sky. A highly compressed 15 fps video was supplied to API.

After investigation, API concluded that the object in the video was a conventional aircraft.

Read our Report of Investigation to see if you agree:.

24-018 still frame

Case 24-002 MA 1 (New Jersey) Closed as Unidentified

A credible witness in central New Jersey reported a triangular formation of lights in the early morning of 29  February 2024. We were not able to find an explanation that fit her observation. You can read our Report of Investigation if you want to know more.

Unfortunately, there was no corroboration discovered in our investigation. If you were in New Jersey or Eastern Pennsylvania at the time and saw something similar, please get in touch.

Case 23-031 (Virginia) closed as Identified

Case 23-031 was a single-witness FB 1 sighting on the 8th of November 2023. The case has been closed as Identified. Read our redacted Report of Investigation. There was also a witness submitted video clip for this case. You can watch the video on our YourTube channel.

Witness Sketch from Case 23-031 (Virginia)