12-007-FB1 (Rhodesia, Africa)


Synopsis: In 1953, the exact day or month unknown, the witness of this investigation saw a large silver flying disk while living in Rhodesia, Africa. The witness admitted the event occurred over 60 years ago but could still remember the event vividly.

Evidence Submitted: A sketch of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky.

Investigation and Findings: The investigators interviewed the witness of this investigation, who was deemed credible. The witness, moreover, is a lawyer and author of many novels. According to the witness, while outside the local Post Office in Salisbury, a silver disk-shaped UFO was seen hovering over the city. The UFO hovered for about five minutes and then “shot straight up into the air” until it was no longer in sight. The investigators contacted the local newspaper The Herald in Zimbabwe in hopes of retrieving archived reports to corroborate the witness’ testimony. However, the newspaper editor could not provide any information because the civil war resulted in the destruction of the newspaper’s archives. Because the sighting took place nearly 55 years ago at a remote country, the investigators could not find a sufficient amount of relevant information to identify the object. The investigation, therefore, was closed as unresolved/unidentified.

Object Details: Unidentified

12-020-FB1 (Hidden Valley, CA)


Synopsis: On/about June 2009, while taking photos of flowers in a garden, the witness of this investigation inadvertently took two photographs of a “fast moving UFO”.

Evidence Submitted: Two photos of a UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky.

Investigation and Findings:  The investigators conducted multiple interviews with the witness of this investigation. The witness provided the investigators with the original photographs, which were taken with a Kodak CX7530. The investigators extracted the EXIF data and examined the objects closely in the images. The analytical conclusion strongly indicated the streaks were close to the camera and thus could not be a contrail. Subsequent photo analysis concluded the streak was a piece of spider silk in the foreground, catching the sunlight.

Object Details: Silk from a Spider Web.

12-008-AN1 (Tempe, AZ)


Synopsis: On 18 July 10, at approximately 2000 hours, the witness of this investigation was standing on a 2nd floor patio and noticed a strange object hovering about 200 feet over the City of Tempe, AZ. The witness described the object as a warm white and orange jellyfish. The object, moreover, morphed in color and appeared as though it was a circular membrane. The object hovered for approximately 15 minutes until it moved slowly from East to West.

Evidence Submitted: Sketch of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an AN1 – an anomaly that left no lasting physical effects, such as lights in the sky and similar phenomena. Initial analysis of the report indicated a likely natural phenomenon due to severe thunderstorms on the same date and time the witness observed the UFO.

Investigation and Findings: The investigators traveled to Phoenix, AZ and interviewed the witness of this investigation. During the interview the witness provided the investigators with a sketch of the UFO. Additionally, the investigators also learned that the witness was drinking alcohol when the UFO was spotted. The lead investigator, however, noted the witness was sincere and credible. During the weather research and analysis portion of the investigation, the data indicated the witness observed a convergence of several natural phenomena: Rayleigh scattering during sunset, high temperatures, and severe thunderstorm converging with Altocumulus Castellanus formations.

Object Details: When sunlight passes through a thick layer of atmosphere and dust particles at sunset, blue color is scattered by Rayleigh Scattering and only red-to-orange color remains. The clouds reflect these unscattered red/orange rays and appear in that color. More importantly, during high temperatures and an approaching thunderstorm the orange clouds appear even more prominent.

12-015-CE5 (Wash. Township, NJ)


Synopsis: The witness of this investigation contacted API alleging to have been abducted by extraterrestrials; experiencing three and a half minutes of missing time; and suffering from bruising and marks on the leg. Other physical complaints were ringing in the witness’ ears and mysterious blood stains on the sheets that were discovered upon waking up from sleep. According to the witness, moreover, an ultrasound was completed on the bruised area. The findings, allegedly, revealed an unknown mass under the bruised area and tendons having been cut and removed as if surgery had been conducted.

Evidence Submitted: Photos of scars and an image of an ultrasound.

Initial Action: This UFO case was opened as a CE5, an abducted witness that suffers from physical and psychological injuries. The initial research indicated the witness is associated with many UFO conspiracy groups and dedicating a website to the subject as well as other social media.

Investigation and Findings: After reporting the case to several UFO organizations, the witness was contacted by MUFON in November 2010 where they believed a hypnotic regression session was warranted. The witness, however, failed to follow up for the indicated sessions due to personal issues. Nevertheless, the witness continued to speak openly and publicly about the experience – even presenting at a several UFO conferences but always had reservations about doing a hypnotic regression session. During this investigation, the investigators interviewed the witness on three separate occasions, which revealed no new information relevant to the MUFON case. Although no physical proof to substantiate the claims was provided it is of the lead investigator’s opinion the witness was experiencing a high degree of pareidolia and anxiety; and a hoax could not be ruled out either. However, all investigative efforts were exhausted and the case was closed as unresolved. (Investigator Note: several interviews with the witness concluded he was sincere and truthful).

Object Details: Abduction claims unresolved; Object in the leg remains unidentified.

12-019-AN1 (Atlantic Ocean)


Synopsis: On 05 Jan 12, at approximately 1841 hours, the witness of this investigation was onboard the cruise ship MSC Poesia, which was underway and heading back to Florida. The witness, who was in cabin #11151, went outside on the balcony to take a photo of the sunset. Upon reviewing the photo, the witness claimed a UFO could be seen in the photo.

Evidence Submitted: Photo of a UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an AN1 – an anomaly that left no lasting physical effects, such as lights in the sky and similar phenomena. A preliminary analysis of the video indicated the UFO was more than likely a Catadioptric Lens Flares.

Investigation and Findings: During the interview, the witness explained that the UFO was not personally observed while taking photos of the sky – a common indicator of a lens flares. In an effort to positively identify the object as a lens flare, investigators obtained the original photo and applied standard cross-section analysis. The analysis of the photo indicated the anomaly intersected with the sun inside the frame of view.

Object Details: Lens flares are created when non-image forming light enters the lens and subsequently hits the camera’s film or digital sensor. The lens flare often appears as a characteristic polygonal shape, giving the appearance of a “flying disk or saucer”.

12-024-FB1 (Hoboken, NJ)


Synopsis: On 14 April 12, at 1630 hours, the witness of this investigation was sitting outside a condominium complex and saw a metallic gold UFO in the sky. According to the witness, the UFO was shaped like a donut and appeared to be dragging a line or string.

Evidence Submitted: 13 photos of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky. A preliminary analysis of the report indicated a possible balloon or blimp.

Investigation and Findings: According to the witness, the UFO was metallic gold and was moving along with the wind. The UFO, moreover, appeared to have been dragging a string or a rope. The Investigators took a tour of the Hoboken, NJ area and found a party store named Party City and purchased a “Zero Gold Helium Balloon”, which was identical to the UFO photographed by the witness. The investigators concluded the UFO was nothing more than a party balloon.

Object Details: A Gold Helium Balloon

12-034-AN1 (Grimsby, UK)


Synopsis: On 12 May 12, at 2130 hours, an infrared camera took a photo of a UFO near Grimsby, UK. The UFO was captured on a Forscam infrared webcam mounted on the roof of the witness’ home.

Evidence Submitted: Infrared video footage of the UFO.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an AN1 – an anomaly that left no lasting physical effects, such as lights in the sky and similar phenomena. A preliminary analysis of the photo indicated the UFO was more than likely an insect captured on the webcam.

Investigation and Findings: The investigators conducted multiple interviews with the witness of this investigation. The investigators, moreover, conducted open source research for orb related activity in the Grimsby, UK, which resulted in finding an abundant number of photos and videos of orb activity in England. However, no explanation, other than Chinese lanterns, for these sightings were given. The investigators, therefore, attempted to shape the investigation towards an optic or perhaps an insect as the culprit. According to research, most orbs are typically circular artifacts that occur in flash photography—sometimes with trails indicating motion. Orb artifacts are captured during low-light instances where the camera’s flash is used, such as at night. Moreover, purple fringing (sometimes called PF) is the term for an out-of-focus purple or magenta “ghost” image on a photograph. This defect is generally most visible as a coloring and lightening of dark edges adjacent to bright areas of broad-spectrum illumination, such as daylight or various types of gas discharge lamps. The investigators however could not conclude the orb was a result of PF. The investigators, therefore, contacted the UK Royal Entomology Society to determine if they could identify the object as a possible insect. It was the opinion of the Royal Entomology Society that the orb could not have been a known insect. The investigative process was exhausted and the investigation was closed as unidentified.

Object Details: Unidentified

12-038-FB1 (Buffalo, NY)


Synopsis: On 05 June 11, while testing a new high definition video camera, the witness of this investigation recorded a UFO in the sky. The witness, however, did not observe the UFO firsthand and only noticed the UFO when reviewing the footage later at home.

Evidence Submitted: Video footage from a Camcorder.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky. A preliminary analysis of the report indicated a possible airplane on a vector to nearby Buffalo International Airport.

Investigation and Findings: While interviewing the witness, the investigators learned that the footage was taken during a soccer game near Buffalo, NY. After the interview, the photo was enhanced using the Canon Professional Photo Edition software. The enhanced photo revealed a commercial aircraft illuminated by sun flare. The enhanced image, moreover, revealed a wingspan and tail rudder. Additionally, investigators conducted research regarding aircraft illuminated by sun flare and found several photos that resemble the video captured by the witness of this investigation. The investigation concluded the object the witness captured on the camera was an aircraft heading to Buffalo International Airport.

Object Details: Commercial or Military Aircraft

12-042-AN1 (Whiteford, MD)


Synopsis: On 06 June 12, at approximately 2337, the witness of this investigation was walking the family dog and observed a bright star-like object in the sky traveling West to East. According to the witness, “the UFO” was traveling very fast in a straight line.

Evidence Submitted: Video footage from a cellphone.

Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an AN1 – an anomaly that left no lasting physical effects, such as lights in the sky and similar phenomena. A preliminary analysis of the photo indicated the UFO was more than likely an artificial satellite in Low Earth Orbit.

Investigation and Findings: The investigators contacted the witness of this investigation. According to the witness, the UFO was a starlike object and made no noise. The UFO also travelled in a straight path and made no erratic maneuvers. Indices checks on satellite tracking databases later indicated the UFO was the Iridium 44 communications satellite in Low Earth Orbit. The Iridium 44 satellite passed over the witness at the nearly the same time the witness reported seeing the UFO.

Object Details: The Iridium 44 was part of a planned commercial communications network comprised of a constellation of 66 LEO spacecraft. The system uses L-Band to provide global communications services through portable handsets. The satellite launched from the Peoples Republic of China on 08 Dec 97. The satellite remains in Low Earth Orbit with an apogee of 654 km and a perigee of 629 km.

11-015-FB1 (Davidsonville, MD)


Synopsis: On 08 Nov 11, at 2030 hours, the witness of this investigation was looking at a cornfield and noticed a large black triangle UFO flying low. The UFO changed directions and tilted towards where the witness was standing. The witness claimed the UFO was a black triangle and made little noise. According to the witness, the black triangle had three distinct white lights on each corner, a green light on one corner and a red light on the opposite corner. The UFO flew along Governors Bridge Road towards Route 50 until it was no longer within sight.

Evidence Submitted: Computer-rendered sketch.

Initial Action: This UFO case was opened as an FB1, a fly-by of a UFO that traveled in a straight line across the sky. A preliminary analysis of the report indicated a possible drone, perhaps the X-47B, which operates in the Maryland area.

Investigation and Findings: The investigators travelled to Davidsonville, MD and interviewed the witness of this investigation. The witness, who was the owner of the cornfield, alleged that the UFO flew over the cornfield for an unknown amount of time until it flew North toward Route 50. After the interview, the investigators conducted extensive research regarding man-made triangular aircrafts and drones that were being tested in the Maryland area. Given the description of the UFO, and that it was using FAA navigation and collision beacons, the object was more than likely an aircraft from the Patuxent Naval Air Station, which tests several UAVs in the area.

Object Details: Identified as an aircraft, type unknown.