13-012-AN1 (Miami, FL)

Synopsis: On 02 Feb 2013, witness claimed seeing a strange cylinder while crossing a bridge to Miami, FL.

Evidence Submitted: None

Initial Action: Case opened as an AN1.

Investigation and Findings:  Historical case only.

Object Details: Unresolved. Witness did not respond to inquiries.

13-010-FB1 (Suffolk, VA)

Synopsis: On 20 July  2004, witness claimed seeing cylinder type UFO hovering near Suffolk, VA. No additional details provided.

Evidence Submitted: None

Initial Action: Case opened as an FB1.

Investigation and Findings:  Historical case only.

Object Details: Unresolved. Witness did not respond to inquiries.

13-033-CE1 (Phoenix, MD)

Synopsis: On 04 Jan 2013, at 1438 hours, the witness of this investigation contacted API regarding her grandparents. Witness claimed they recently died from cancer, which was due to radiation from a UFO encounter in the late 1950s.

Evidence Submitted: Names of her grandparents.

Initial Action: Case opened as an CE1.

Investigation and Findings:  Historical case only.

Object Details: Unresolved.