Category: Investigations
New Witness Provided Video Enhanced by API from Vietnam
A witness from Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam (case 20-015) supplied us with a video of a red object moving back and forth over the city. We know the exact location of the camera and the building in the foreground. We have enhanced and slowed the video to make it clear what the witness saw.
The witness states that drones are prohibited over the city, although the movement and speed is consistent with a drone. it could be a police drone.
Our witness provided videos have their own playlist on YouTube.
Redacted Report of Investigation for Case 20-012 (Scotland)
Two different sightings reported in Scotland, but they were more than 20 years ago, and without contemporaneous documentation, no investigation was possible.
Read the Redacted Report
Redacted Report of Investigation for case 20-013 (Indiana)
Case 20-013 was another example of the Starlink constellation reported as a UFO. Probability 1, Strangeness 0. An example of a Starlink train is shown in the video below.
Read the redacted Report of Investigation.
Video Credit: Marco Langbroek
Redacted Report of Investigation for Case 20-009
Case 20-009 was a 2010 western New York state sighting of a boomerang shaped craft with a low rumbling noise associated. Case was closed as uninvestigated with Probability 1 and Strangeness 1.
If you have seen a similar object, please let us know.
Read the redacted ROI for 20-009
Redacted Report of Investigation for Case 20-008
A Utah sighting reported to us was closed as identified with probability 2, strangeness 0
Redacted Report of Investigation for Case 19-013
This case from the 16th of September 2019 (19-013) in Marysville, California was closed due to lack of witness communication. If you have any information about a sighting in the same time frame and location, please contact us.
New Case Summary Video: 13-002
Redacted Report of Investigation (ROI) for Case 19-008 (NY)
A strange encounter in Western New York State. Closed as unidentified, but we were unable to find any corroboration.
Redacted Report of Investigation (ROI) for Case 19-007 (UK)
A single witness close encounter from Wirral, near Liverpool. We closed this unidentified, but low probability due to the lack of corroboration.