Conversation 17 – Eric Wojciechowski, part 2

Recorded: 24 January2020

Released: 2 February 2020

Duration: 51 minutes, 27 seconds

Download the .mp3 audio file

Following up on Part 1, Paul Carr and Eric Wojciechowski talk about cyborgs, ageing, self-driving cars, uncanny valleys, narrow vs. general AI, Elon Musk, Shazam, drug dealers, Henry Rollins in Iran, Charlie Hebdo, future fiction plans, Tolkien, virtual conferences, surprising endings to novels, and much more.


Part 1 of this Conversation

Eric’s Amazon Page

Freedom Cocktail

Eric on Twitter

Jesus and Mo

The Postman Always Rings Twice


Host and Producer: Paul Carr

Music: DJ Spooky, George Hrab

API Conversation #16 – Eric Wojciechowski, Part 1

Recorded: 24 January 2020

Released: 25 January 2020

Duration: 52 minutes, 45 seconds

download the .mp3 audio file

Part 1 of Paul Carr’s lightly edited conversation with author Eric Wojciechowski. We discuss virtual UFO conferences, Eric’s early fascination with the Ancient Astronaut theories of Zecharia Sitchin, his difficult choices in writing Chasing Disclosure, sleep paralysis and false memories, a shadow person experience, artificial intelligence, and much more.

Eric Wojciechowski lives with his wife and two children in Livonia, Michigan. Usually writing essays and articles in politics, religion, pseudoscience and Woo-Woo. Lover of all things Fortean. Some non-fiction work can be seen at Skeptical Inquirer, Skeptic magazine, American Atheists magazine and Free Inquiry magazine. Also writes on politics at the blog, Freedom Cocktail.


Part 2 of this Conversation

Eric’s Amazon Page

Freedom Cocktail

Eric on Twitter

Elizabeth Loftus on Mick West’s podcast


Host and Producer: Paul Carr

Music: DJ Spooky

Our Github repository for UFO case data

If you go to our (temporary) Github repository and look in the data folder, that is where we are starting to locate our UFO case data. All data on Github has been cleaned to remove any witness Personal Identifying Information (PII). At present, all that is there are the Probability/Strangeness ratings from the cases we have issued public reports for, but the collection will grow, and we will eventually migrate to a new repository (we will give you plenty of advanced notice of that). We recommend you install the github app to access the repository.

In addition to the data, we also provide scripts to plot the data. Right now, all that is there is a simple R script, but that will also grow and diversify over time. Below is a simple plot using the script.

A simple plot of our Probability/Strangeness Data