Witness in Montgomery County, Maryland saw the slow flyby of a “huge” black triangle in December 2012.
Read the redacted Report of Investigation
Witness in Montgomery County, Maryland saw the slow flyby of a “huge” black triangle in December 2012.
Read the redacted Report of Investigation
We only had limited information on this case. Most of the events took place in 1997, and there is no contemporaneous documentation. No UAP was sighted. We document this case in the hope that it might be helpful to other researchers.
Case 14-027, investigated by Marsha Barnhart, was a high strangeness case from 2001 in California that we reported on in audio form on Episode 3 of API Case Files.
Here is our latest video case summary, for case 14-044. This one was a fireball from Australia:
Case 16-009 is a single witness case from Oregon in which a T-shaped object flew overhead. The witness was judged credible, and no explanation for the sighting was found.
See our Investigations Page for all publicly available ROIs.
Case 12-058 was a high strangeness case in Maryland that involved a small amount of physical evidence from 2011. API examined the physical evidence and determined that it was consistent with the witness’s account. Recently, we have completed the ROI and closed the case. A redacted version of the ROI is now available.
This same witness has many memories of UFO sightings and other strange experiences, but the investigation focused on a small subset of what was reported to us.
See all our publicly available ROIs on our Investigations page.
Case 12-020 was based upon photographs taken in 2006. This case illustrates that apparently interesting anomalies showing up only on photographs are nearly always something mundane upon further analysis. We took a very close look at these photos to make sure.
Read the redacted ROI for 12-020
Episode 13 is done and will drop soon, but we want your questions and comments for Episode 14. If you want to submit your question anonymously, just use the contact form and tell us you wish to be anonymous.You can also e-mail us on the encrypted protonmail.com using the address reportaufo.
If you have a recent UFO sighting you would like to us to discuss on the podcast, please use the sighting report form.
If you want us to use your name on the podcast, please let us know how to pronounce it. We can even call you up and record you asking your question, or can call 240 233 1253 and leave a voicemail. In your voice message, please be sure to tell us that it’s OK to use the recording on the podcast.
One of API’s earliest cases. Campers near Sailsbury, Maryland were frightened by what they saw and heard and left the campground.