Synopsis: According to the witness, on 20 July 12, at 2200 hours, an extraterrestrial probe was observed, “zigzagging over the Washington, DC area”. The witness, moreover, believed the extraterrestrial probe was attempting to “disguise itself as a normal star” in an effort to conduct clandestine surveillance of the Washington, DC area.
Evidence Submitted: Video footage and still images from the video.
Initial Action: This UFO investigation was opened as an AN1 – an anomaly that left no lasting physical effects, such as lights in the sky and similar phenomena. A preliminary analysis of the video indicated the UFO was more than likely a celestial object moving in and out of focus.
Investigation and Findings: On 29 July 12, a team of investigators traveled to the Washington, DC area to interview the witness of this investigation. According to the witness, The White House and the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI) did not respond to the witness’s UFO report so he contacted API. During the interview, the investigators noticed the witness displayed signs of pareidolia and insisted that extraterrestrials where trying to “communicate a hidden message” to the witness. At the conclusion of the interview, the witness indicated the investigators should remain in the area because the extraterrestrial probe would appear at 2100 hours. At 2115 hours, while waiting for the extraterrestrial probe to appear, the witness pointed to a star in the sky and said “There is the extraterrestrial probe”. During the on-site investigation, the investigators concluded the object in the sky was the star Vega and not an extraterrestrial probe. Investigators were able to replicate the video the witness provided by using a Canon 60D digital camera on autofocus and by holding the camera with one hand. After the experiment was completed, the results were nearly identical to what the witness submitted as evidence. The growing and shrinking appearance of the extraterrestrial probe was actually the camera’s optics attempting to focus on Vega. Additionally, the blue and red colors in the probe were identified as natural phenomena known as atmospheric prismatic dispersion, and the zigzagging appearance of the probe was the result of the witness holding the camera with an unsteady hand.
Object Details: The star Vega is the 5th brightest star visible from Earth and the 3rd brightest easily visible from mid-northern latitudes. At about 25 light-years in distance, it is the 6th closest of all the bright stars, or 5th if you exclude Alpha Centauri, which is not easily visible from most of the Northern Hemisphere.