The Basics of Recording UFO video

We have a new Public information video out going over a few simple steps to capture a UFO on video should you happen to sight one.

Here at API we have lots of experience with people submitting video to us of something weird they saw in the sky. Most of the time, it turns out that it’s not so weird, but sometimes we are left puzzled, or at least a little perplexed. If you are watching this video, chances are you are hoping to someday capture video of an object you can’t identify – something that is moving in odd ways, or has a shape or color that makes little sense. This is about what to do when that moment arrives.

We’ll assume that what you are shooting this video with is your mobile phone, since that is the only camera most people routinely carry, but the basic advice should apply to any camera.

There really isn’t any question of whether to shoot or not shoot video – if you have a functioning camera, you shoot. You don’t have to worry that people will think less of you – API will protect you from all the stigma, and anything in the video that might identify you will be muted, blurred, or edited out.

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