13-093-AN1 (Federalsburg, MD)

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According to two witnesses: On 15 October 2013, at 2030 hours, a strange humming sound was heard outside their home. The two witnesses went outside, looked up in the sky and saw a bright light that remained stationary. At the same time, the two witnesses also saw what appeared to be “two jets, from different directions, flying toward the light”. As the “jets approached the light”, it faded away. One of the witnesses attempted to take a photo of the UFO with an iPad. However, the iPad’s poor focusing capability could not render a clear photo.

(AN-1) Class and Rating Explanation: Anomalies that do not have lasting physical effects, such as lights or unexplained explosions.

(3-1) Probability/Strangeness Index Explanation: 3-Multiple witness reports within short time of the sighting with good consistency between witnesses. Photographs or videos with clear provenance. Photographs have EXIF data consistent with testimony and have been subjected to careful analysis. Witnesses do not seek publicity; 1-Possibly a known manmade or natural object if one aspect of the report is misreported or misperceived. Five minutes later, two more aircraft closely following the same vectors were in visual sight of witness location.

Evidence Submitted: Photo

Initial Action: Case opened as an AN1.

Investigation and Findings: 30 Oct 13: All investigative efforts were completed. Case was closed as unidentified. However, see investigator’s Leading Hypothesis supported by relevant data gathered during the investigation.

Leading Hypothesis:

  • The “UFO”: Hidden Valley Airport is exactly in the line-of-sight where “the light” hovered (241º from witness location, which very close to the direction reported by witness); and the airstrip is less than 5 miles from were the witnesses were standing. It is possible “the light” emanated from the airport. Additionally, astronomical analysis indicated Venus was just over the horizon and also in the line-of-sight where “the light” hovered (Venus was at RA 235º and Dec 7º compared to the UFO at RA 240º and Dec 10º). Lastly, weather checks indicated there were clouds that night and could have obscured the UFO – accounting for the “light slowly faded away” statement.
  •  The “Jets”: According to radar analysis for 15 Oct 2013 (at 2016 hours), two aircraft were flying towards each other at a vector that would make it appear as though they were approaching the UFO. US Airways Flight US2121 (call sign AWE2121) was within visual sight of the witness at a heading of 277º (Radar T-F5M); and Canadair CRJ-700 (call sign GJS6206) was within visual sight of the witness at a heading of  35° (Radar T-F5M). It is likely witnesses observed these two aircraft.
  •  Humming Noise: Less than ½ mile from witness location and also in the same direction (240º SSW) is a large agricultural plant. Investigator drove past this plant on 25 Oct 13 and noticed a loud machinery-type noise from the plant.

Object Details: Unidentified.