13-115-FB1 (Fresno, CA)

Date of Sighting: 12 Dec 2013

Time of Sighting: 2100

Duration of Event: Minute

Location of UFO: Fresno, CA

Shape of Object: Triangle

UFO Report: Was at work through the day lots of jet activity about 9pm saw triangle going from north to south real slow no sound two Co workers saw same thing .the Alta were clear of plane activity think they knew it was coming was as big as football field maybe more four white lights saw silhouette from city lights sky was clear cold more not realty sure out date but know it was winter

Initial Action: None. Investigation not requested.

Investigation and Findings: Info case only.

Object Details: Unresolved

13-114-IOC (Unknown)

Date of Sighting: Not Applicable

Time of Sighting: In a dream, but to this day and it’s been a while I can remember the understanding that came with the dream and the surreal nature of it. I feel strongly it’s out there.

Duration of Event: Unknown

Location of UFO: Not Applicable

Shape of Object: Other

UFO Report: UFO Report: There’s a concrete tilt up building on a mountain road its on the down hill side and its in the middle of nowhere. It’s got a painted stripe that’s about 3′ wide and it was blue when it was freshly painted or a light forest green, but its faded now. It’s got a door and 2 approx. 3’x4′ windows on the corner by the door. I believe it’s near Dulce NM or in the mountains around there. There’s a somewhat sparse forest leading up to the building, but the area around the building is dry grass on both sides of the road around the building. If anyone has any info that draws a comparison to this regardless of where please let me know.

Evidence Submitted: None

Initial Action: None.

Investigation and Findings: Info case only.

Object Details: Unresolved