Author: API Webmaster
Training material for supplemental questionnaire
We’re developing new training material for the supplemental questionnaire.
What do you think? Are you left with important questions after viewing the presentation?
The supplemental training material video playlist
We’ve begun a playlist of videos that support our training material with deeper dives into certain topics. If you know of any videos that might be suitable for us, please let us know, and we’ll consider adding them.
Video Case Summary: 18-013 (New York)
Our Experimental Supplemental Questionnaire
Why a Questionnaire?
If you have been following us for a while, you know that it is extremely difficult to directly collect data on UAPs. This is largely because of the completely unpredictable and transient nature of the phenomena, and because we struggle to form any informed hypotheses about what we should measure and how. It is important to address this, but progress is slow.
What we do have in abundance is witnesses – witnesses, and what they tell us they remember about their encounters. Although we recognize the serious problems in dealing with eyewitness testimony, we don’t regard such testimonies as “only” anecdotes, but as data – data about what humans – very complex and imperfect perception machines – remember.
Investigator Training Videos: The API Investigative Process
The first in a planned series of investigator training videos provides a short, simplified overview of our investigative process from report to case closure. We’re not drilling down much into the individual steps – those will be the subject of future videos.
New Experiment Video – monopod vs. handheld
Redacted Report of Investigation for Case 18-013 (NY)
Case 18-013 was a single witness MA 1 case in New York State. Closed as Unidentified, Strangeness 2, Probability 2.
Read the redacted Report of Investigation.
If you have corroborating or explanatory information for this case, please contact us.
API Case Files is now on iHeart Radio
If you prefer iHeartRADIO, API Case Files is there.