A bright, fast moving light seen near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania:
Category: Investigations
Witness Sketch from Case 19-003 (Uzbekistan)
Nice sketch! Of course, you don’t need any artistic talent to make a useful sketch, but we encourage all witnesses to make one as soon as possible after their sighting – even before submitting a report.
This description, with the object stopping almost overhead, reminds us a little of our case 18-009 in Utah, which took place in August 2017. We did not perform a field investigation of this case, but if there is a responsible organization in Uzbekistan, please contact us.
Redacted Report of Investigation (ROI) for Case 11-002 in Columbia, Maryland
Case 11-002 was a CE-1 case in Columbia, Maryland in September 2011. This is one of our earliest investigations, and officially remains unresolved.
Read the Redacted ROI.
Video Case Summary: 12-001 (Ontario, Canada)
This is our most famous case. In this video, Marsha Barnhart puts hotel security footage together with witness audio to tell this strange story.
Video Case Summary: 18-013 (New York)
Our Experimental Supplemental Questionnaire
Why a Questionnaire?
If you have been following us for a while, you know that it is extremely difficult to directly collect data on UAPs. This is largely because of the completely unpredictable and transient nature of the phenomena, and because we struggle to form any informed hypotheses about what we should measure and how. It is important to address this, but progress is slow.
What we do have in abundance is witnesses – witnesses, and what they tell us they remember about their encounters. Although we recognize the serious problems in dealing with eyewitness testimony, we don’t regard such testimonies as “only” anecdotes, but as data – data about what humans – very complex and imperfect perception machines – remember.
Redacted Report of Investigation for Case 18-013 (NY)
Case 18-013 was a single witness MA 1 case in New York State. Closed as Unidentified, Strangeness 2, Probability 2.
Read the redacted Report of Investigation.
If you have corroborating or explanatory information for this case, please contact us.
Video Case Summary: 12-045
Redacted ROI for Case 15-041 MA1 (North Carolina)
Case 15-041 was a two witness case in North Carolina with video. Closed as unidentified with probability 2, strangeness 1.