Case 15-029 was a nocturnal photographic case from Washington State. This was probably the highest quality photograph ever submitted to us. The case was closed as unidentified with Strangeness level of 2.

API Director Paul Carr has been invited back on Martin Willis’ Podcast UFO for a live session on Tuesday, May 7th. This will be our third time on this show. Martin was also our very first guest on API Conversations.
Martin will be taking live calls and questions from the YouTube chatroom. Ask anything!
For more information, you can go to:
Although we don’t accept payments on this site, we do need the site to be as secure as we can make it, since witnesses are asked to enter their personal contact information in the reporting form. To make sure of this, we have straightened out our SSL certificate with our hosting company, and you can and should use “https://” whenever you access this site. You may want to check your bookmarks.
Case 13-081 was an unusual two witness case with good photos.
The witness who made this sketch described the object as “huge” and moving very slowly. If you have seen a similar object, please contact us.
We encourage our witness to make sketches as soon as possible after their sightings – before they contact us, and certainly before they discuss any details with other witnesses. This is true regardless of whether there are photos or videos. Now, some new research at University of Waterloo in Canada lends some scientific support to this practice. They found that drawing is superior to other memory retention techniques. So, not only does making a sketch help us understand what witnesses saw, it helps the witnesses retain their memory better.
We hope this will be followed up by more research that will help us understand in more detail how the sketch reinforces or affects witness memories.
If you have been following us for a while, you know that it is extremely difficult to directly collect data on UAPs. This is largely because of the completely unpredictable and transient nature of the phenomena, and because we struggle to form any informed hypotheses about what we should measure and how. It is important to address this, but progress is slow.
What we do have in abundance is witnesses – witnesses, and what they tell us they remember about their encounters. Although we recognize the serious problems in dealing with eyewitness testimony, we don’t regard such testimonies as “only” anecdotes, but as data – data about what humans – very complex and imperfect perception machines – remember.
Released: 3 August 2016
Runtime: 55 minutes, 17 seconds
Marsha Barnhart held a spirited conversation with Podcaster, Blogger and Author of “A Trojan Feast”, Joshua Cutchin. His book examines folk lore of food and drink offerings purported by witnesses from Aliens, Faeries and Sasquatch. Marsha also discussed Joshua’s recent Blog post regarding the seeming inability of the materialistic scientific approach to answer oddities and high strangeness associated with many UFO reports and experiences.
Joshua Cutchin is a native of North Carolina with a long interest in forteana. A Trojan Feast is his first book. He is currently working on his second. He holds a Masters in Music Literature and a Masters in Journalism from the University of Georgia. Joshua is also a published composer and maintains an active performing schedule as a jazz and rock tuba player. He has appeared on eight albums and live concert DVD’s.
Article: The Magical Swimming Pool of UFOlogy’s Future7
Coast to Coast Appearance
Producer and Writer: Marsha Barnhart
This article describes the rare condition of people who remember almost everything about their lives. We should note though, that very few of us can expect to accurately remember details of our lives – even highly exceptional events. We also know that how certain you are of your memories has nothing to do with how accurate they are.
That is why we try to emphasize the most recent UFO reports. With details will fade and the memories will bleed into each other. So, when something anomalous happens, write it down and make sketches the same day if possible. Do this before discussing the details with other witnesses or with us.