New Witness Provided Video Enhanced by API from Vietnam

A witness from Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam (case 20-015) supplied us with a video of a red object moving back and forth over the city. We know the exact location of the camera and the building in the foreground. We have enhanced and slowed the video to make it clear what the witness saw.

The witness states that drones are prohibited over the city, although the movement and speed is consistent with a drone. it could be a police drone.

Our witness provided videos have their own playlist on YouTube.

API Conversation 18 – Curt Collins

Download the .mp3 audio file

Recorded: 25 March 2020
Released: 26 March 2020
Duration: 69 minutes, 36 seconds

A conversation with UFO blogger and researcher Curt Collins of the blog Blue Blurry Lines. Recently, together with Roger Glassel, Curt has published research into the complicated and ethically thorny relationship between the government’s AAWSAP program, Bigelow Aerospace, and MUFON.


Transcript of this Conversation

Blue Blurry Lines
Tim McMillan: Inside the Pentagon’s Secret UFO Program
The Pentagon UFO Program’s Secret Partner
Breaking the Silence: AATIP’s Secret Partner Speaks
Keith Basterfield: AATIP or AAWSA
Paul Dean: The Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Application Program

Conversation with Simone Mendez
The Carpenter Affair

Tyler Rogoway: Tom DeLonge’s Origin Story For To The Stars Academy Describes A Government UFO Info Operation
Bigelow Aerospace Lays off All Employees

The Cash-Landrum UFO Case Document Collection

The Roswell Slides Research Group

Host script
Report Your UFO sighting
Contact API


Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky