Saying “Yes” to an Investigation

The primary purpose of the Aerial Phenomenon Investigations Team is to investigate unknown aerial object sightings reported by citizens. We do this with the cooperation of YOU, the Witness. Without YOU we cannot conduct a credible investigation.

When a citizen fills out one of our reporting forms, that begins a process of research and investigation. It’s important to realize that when a Witness selects YES to an investigation, then the team needs the Witnesses involvement and cooperation throughout the investigative process.

Typically, the Lead Investigator needs to conduct a telephonic interview to gather a range of facts, data, and context. All this input is essential to manage a meaningful, credible investigation that has some chance of a successful outcome. If you’re not comfortable with a telephonic interview, then you’ll at least need to respond to our occasional email requests for more input.

If you wish to make a report but do not feel comfortable interacting with the team, then select NO for an investigation. In this case, we will merely release the information you’ve provided in a redacted form and post it on our website as Uninvestigated. This way, the public still has access to your reported sighting or experience in its raw form.

We try to make our investigations as painless as possible. We understand that a sighting can be a very unnerving experience. But, with your help, we have the chance to fully research and investigate your experience and, possibly, even explain it.

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