A strange encounter in Western New York State. Closed as unidentified, but we were unable to find any corroboration.

A strange encounter in Western New York State. Closed as unidentified, but we were unable to find any corroboration.
A single witness close encounter from Wirral, near Liverpool. We closed this unidentified, but low probability due to the lack of corroboration.
Released: 20 January 2019
Duration: 65 minutes
A silent, truck-sized sphere zips past a startled Englishman; common tricks of the mind MAY explain weird creatures; API Training and Public Outreach videos await you at our website!
Two recently closed Case Files are discussed: Marsha Barnhart presents an investigation that included an interesting early morning encounter in Suffolk, England, and Savannah Dollison dissects a case that proved both elusive and illusionary. Plus, Paul Carr outlines the array of training videos and public outreach informational videos now available on our website.
Rendelsham Forest UFO Incident
Pareidolia and Apophenia
!6-035 was a single witness daytime case from New York City with photographs. The case was deemed credible, but not very strange.
Read the redacted Report of Investigation.
This single witness sighting occurred on the early morning of 2 July 2018 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. No lights were observed – just a large, saucer shaped object completely blocking the road in a residential area of Bethlehem. unfortunately, no corroboration was found.
A close encounter reported by single witness in New Jersey in 2018.
See our Investigations page for all our public ROIs.
Release Date: 16 August 2015
Duration: 50 Minutes
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This is the 7th episode of API Case Files – the podcast by and for UAP Investigators.
In this episode, Marsha Barnhart showcases an investigation of a Washington state case that leads to musings about the 4th state of matter: Plasma; Antonio Paris, Paul Carr and Marsha Barnhart talk about a few of their more-interesting recent cases; Paul Carr presents Episode 7 of Unidentified Science and Marsha files a report from the recent MUFON Erie, PA seminar.
Marsha Barnhart’s report on Case 15-001–those elusive orbs!
Antonio Paris, Paul Carr and Marsha Barnhart discuss some of their more interesting recent cases.
On-scene report on the recent MUFON Erie, PA conference
Unidentified Science 7: The Challenge of High Strangeness Cases
Outro/Closing (DJ Spooky, Check Your Math)
Release Date: 21 March 2014
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Duration: 70 minutes, 36 seconds
This is the 3rd episode of API Case Files – the podcast by and for UFO Investigators.
Your host for this Episode is Marsha Barnhart, API Chief of Investigations, who opens the show with a report on API’s 2014 case-load, and provides a snapshot view of API investigator’s currently assigned cases. Marsha Barnhart produced a segment on a “high strangeness” case, 14-027-AN4, that illuminates possible linkage between UFO experiencers and coinciding anomalous events. Paul Carr hosts a Conversation with a Skeptic. They discusses various aspects of skeptic philosophy and how it bears scrutiny with regards to the UFO question. Antonio Paris talks about his second book “Space Science, and Paul Carr presents his 3rd installment of Unidentified Science. Marsha Barnhart chats briefly with Investigator Nancy Doty regarding her latest case, 14-030.