A new case summary video about a sighting of a cigar shaped object over New York State.
Tag: New York
Redacted Report of Investigation for Case 20-009
Case 20-009 was a 2010 western New York state sighting of a boomerang shaped craft with a low rumbling noise associated. Case was closed as uninvestigated with Probability 1 and Strangeness 1.
If you have seen a similar object, please let us know.
Read the redacted ROI for 20-009
Redacted Report of Investigation (ROI) for Case 19-008 (NY)
A strange encounter in Western New York State. Closed as unidentified, but we were unable to find any corroboration.

New Case Summary Video: 12-098 in New York
In December 2012, our witness observed multiple triangular UFOS flying over a Bronx neighborhood. The redacted ROI is here:
Video Case Summary: 18-013 (New York)
Redacted Report of Investigation for Case 18-013 (NY)
Case 18-013 was a single witness MA 1 case in New York State. Closed as Unidentified, Strangeness 2, Probability 2.
Read the redacted Report of Investigation.
If you have corroborating or explanatory information for this case, please contact us.
14-023-FB1 (Walton, NY)
Remain Anonymous: yes
Field Investigation Requested: yes
Date of Sighting: 2/28/14
Time of Sighting: 6:30pm
Duration of Event: 4hours
Location of UFO: Walton, NY
Shape of Object: Other (Explain Below)
UFO Report: I was outside swinging when I saw the UFOs some were big and small some flew fast some flew slow they had red orange green lights 🙂 I saw 20+ they were far away
Evidence Submitted: Sketch
Case Disposition: Case Assigned to Investigator on 04 Mar 2014