Case 23-031 was a single-witness FB 1 sighting on the 8th of November 2023. The case has been closed as Identified. Read our redacted Report of Investigation. There was also a witness submitted video clip for this case. You can watch the video on our YourTube channel.
Tag: sighting report
Saying “Yes” to an Investigation
The primary purpose of the Aerial Phenomenon Investigations Team is to investigate unknown aerial object sightings reported by citizens. We do this with the cooperation of YOU, the Witness. Without YOU we cannot conduct a credible investigation.
When a citizen fills out one of our reporting forms, that begins a process of research and investigation. It’s important to realize that when a Witness selects YES to an investigation, then the team needs the Witnesses involvement and cooperation throughout the investigative process.
Continue readingCases 21-045 and 22-005 closed as Uninvestigated
There are several reasons why we may decline to investigate a case. One of these is if the witness declines to cooperate with the investigation, in spite of many attempts to contact them.