New Video Playlist – witness submitted videos

We often get videos from witnesses. In some cases, we want to share them with the public, even before the investigation is complete. Sometimes we will compile the best videos from a case when there are multiple submission.

For this reason, we have started a new playlist on YouTube where you can look through them yourself if you are interested. A link to this playlist has been added to our videos page. No doubt, the list will grow over time.

Here is one of the videos on the list:

Our growing photo library

We’re always adding new photos to our library. Some are IFOs (like the one below from the U.S. Department of Defense), some are genuine unknowns, and quite a few are in that grey area where we spend much of our time.

If you have any photos you would like us to look at, please contact us. If it is a real UFO photo or video you took, then please use our reporting form. In either case, we want to know as many of the specifics as possible, including the provenance of the image. If it’s a really good one, and contains no PII, we may feature it here or in one of our videos.

Three C-17 Globemasters approach a drop zone in Alaska