A 2021 Photographic case from Ridegcrest, California has been closed as Identified. Read our Redacted Report of Investigation.

A 2021 Photographic case from Ridegcrest, California has been closed as Identified. Read our Redacted Report of Investigation.
The Witness ghosted us on this case, but we had enough video evidence to narrow things down a bit. Read the Report of Investigation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a2zLRmMdqFU8IssTxaxPiZgnTItAci4A/view?usp=sharing
There are two things we hear a lot about photographs and videos of UFOs:
It would seem that these two questions are at odds, and to some extent I think they are. However, let me just deal with the first one now – are photos and videos useless?
Let’s start with a distinction I think I have made before, but needs to be reasserted from time to time – that is there is an important difference between proof and evidence. I’m not splitting hairs here.
Proof is something we basically never get in the real world. In the abstract realms of mathematics and logic, we can prove a proposition, and if you have ever taken an abstract mathematics course, you know that proofs can be very hard to come by. Outside of mathematics, proof is basically not available, nor is it necessary, or even desirable. Some doubt, some willingness to question, is healthy. So, we should never look to a photo or video as “proof” of anything.
What we do ask for is evidence, and the more the merrier. As Christopher Hitchens once said, what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
If you have more than one line of evidence, that is far more convincing than just one, and if you have multiple lines of evidence that all converge on the same consistent set of ideas without serious contradiction, then we can, in time, reach a level that we call “truth.” Let me take the liberty of defining truth operationally as some assertion (or better yet, a system of consistent assertions) about the world that you can act upon and think in terms of with confidence. We tend to take our truths for granted, but they require generations of careful, hard work and emerge from many years of bitter controversy. It is also the case that some truths may one day have to make way for stronger, more powerful truths.
But let’s not throw the word “Evidence” around too carelessly. A video or photo isn’t evidence, unless we specify meaningfully what we think it is evidence of. Actually, without a hypothesis in play, images are just a collection of numbers.
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Recorded: May 5, 2022
Duration: 1 hour 47 minutes
Marsha Barnhart talks to Dr. Joan Bird, author of the book Montana UFOs and Extraterrestrials: Extraordinary Stories of Documented Sightings and Encounters.
Dr. Bird is a Zoologist who specialized in animal behavior. She moved to Montana in 1973 to pursue graduate studies in zoology at the University of Montana, and in 1983 she completed her Ph.D. on inter-island variation in West Indian finches. Dr. Bird worked as a conservation biologist for the Montana Environmental Information Center, The Nature Conservancy, and Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. She has also worked as a fire lookout in both Washington and Montana. Joan freelanced as a nature interpretation writer and has written numerous articles for scientific and conservation publications. Actively involved in women’s empowerment, she was a columnist for Crone Magazine. A lifelong student of unexplained phenomena and long-time member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, she has worked as a community educator and change agent.
When Joan was a teenager, her mother had a near death experience. This engendered a lifelong interest in exploring paranormal and esoteric subjects. And, although steeped in scientific materialism from her academic training, Dr. Bird eventually began to study and attempt to understand the inexplicable.
In this episode of API Conversations, Marsha and Dr. Bird discuss the contents of her book, Montana UFOs and Extraterrestrials, and delve into a host of related philosophies, concepts and theories regarding UFO’s, the ET Hypothesis, the Nature of Reality, the possibility of Past Lives and the value of Consciousness Studies.
Here is a case summary video about a case currently under investigation in West Virginia. The sighting in question was on 4 January 2022, from a bridge over the New River near Beckley, West Virginia. If you have any information on this case, please contact us as soon as possible.
Case 19-009 consisted of a series of videos, mostly shot with an inexpensive night vision monocular. You can read our redacted report of Investigation.
Here is our compilation of the best video clips for the case:
If you need to get in touch with us ASAP (say, a sighting in progress), we have a new number you can call: (301) 615-0474. That’s a USA number (country code 011). We may be able to pick up right away, or you can leave a voicemail and we will reply shortly.
If it can wait a day or so, then please use our online contact form, or our sighting report form if you have a new sighting to report. We can reply by e-mail or telephone – just let us know which you prefer.
A new case summary video about a sighting of a cigar shaped object over New York State.
The primary purpose of the Aerial Phenomenon Investigations Team is to investigate unknown aerial object sightings reported by citizens. We do this with the cooperation of YOU, the Witness. Without YOU we cannot conduct a credible investigation.
When a citizen fills out one of our reporting forms, that begins a process of research and investigation. It’s important to realize that when a Witness selects YES to an investigation, then the team needs the Witnesses involvement and cooperation throughout the investigative process.
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